Food Safety Management Program with Kasetsart University (Thailand)
1- 5, 8-9, 12 and 15 August 2022
Kasetsart University

The FSM Training Course with Kasetsart University has been organized successfully on 1- 5, 8-9, 12, and 15 August 2022. The activity was implemented fully online and hosted by Kasetsart University. In this program, the Project collaborated with Ecore Co., Ltd, a recognized certification body by Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM), to conduct an intensive training course for JFSM certification. 2 consecutive trainings, namely Food Safety Training and Audit Training, were conducted to measure and evaluate their comprehension and understanding. Upon exam scoring, participants who demonstrate adequate knowledge are eligible to receive certificates issued by Ecore Co., Ltd. The Program was attended by students, university staff, researchers, government officials, and employees from food-related companies. The curriculum arranged following JFSM guidelines was comprised of essential knowledge on food safety, which consists of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Japan Food Safety Standard (JFS), Food Safety Management (FSM) system and audit skills. The number of participants is eighteen (18). Upon exam, thirteen (13) participants obtained qualification as a JFS-A/B standard auditor after getting certificates of both Food Safety training and Audit training.