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Food Value Chain Training Course in Partnership with IPB University
10 September - 22 October 2024
School Business of IPB University
Main Speakers

The 3rd Food Value Chain Training Course in Partnership with VNUA under HRD Project – Phase 3 was successfully organized from 3 – 14 July 202 The activity was implemented in a hybrid scheme (online and onsite) hosted by the VNUA. The Program was attended by a total of 164 participants (57 participants online and 107 onsite) which consist of students of VNUA and other Universities as well as lecturers and staff of Food Companies in Vietnam. A total of 13 (thirteen) lecturers with noted expertise in Food Value Chain (FVC) from Japan’s public and private sectors were invited and shared their knowledge and practical know-how based on their broad experience in FVC-related fields. The curriculum was arranged based on consultation between VNUA, MAFF Japan, Japan Food Journal, and the Project. It was composed of knowledge on cutting-edge Food Value Chain-related topics; (1) Sustainable Food and Agriculture Management, (2) Agriculture Cooperative, (3) ICT and Agriculture (4) Functional Food, (5) International Trade and Food/Agriculture, (6) Supply Chain and Logistics, (7) Food Processing of Diary Product, (8) Fast Food and Restaurant Industry, and (9) Frozen Technology